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*It's a Dog's Life* [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Squirrel/OwlViews: 306
Mar 22, 2008 11:25 am re: re: re: re: re: Squirrel/Owl

Viveca Stone

I meant to explain why I started this thread last week and it's significance to us as a group ... that was before I caught the flu. Well there is not time like the present ...

I came across this information 5-6-7 years ago. It fascinated me AND gave my personal and professional life new direction. Let me explain why as briefly as possible.

This quiz easily and effortlessly identifies 4 distinct personality types that are critical towards the success of any business, group or enterprise.

Hares - the "Idea" people.  

Squirrels - the "Doers" who follow through on the ideas.

Owls - ability to pick the best idea out of the litter

Turtles - ability to foresee the bumps in the road. Identify the problems so they can be handled before they take you down.

Now imagine you have a business with 4 people. If you have 4 hares you will have tons of ideas but no follow through because they can't pick best idea, won't foresee the bumps and hate detail work. This group will exhaust itself and implode.

Imagine you have 4 squirrels. They will keep doing what they are doing for lack of a better idea, literally.

Owls need the ideas from the Hares to pick the best one, the foresight of the turtles with the squirrels to follow through.

Now do you see why this is so important?

Here's a concrete example. Once I had the great idea to sell on eBay. Then I had to do all the "tasks" to list my product (bleh.) Then I sold it. "It" was a poster. Then I had to find the shipping tube and send it out to the buyer. This took me almost ten days! I ended up having to send 2 posters to make up for taking so long! That was the end of eBay for me! I am 100% HARE - can you see why this business wouldn't work for me? I hated everything about it except for the idea!

Take a moment NOW to look at your business team. Have everyone on it take the quiz and look at the results. Are there blanks? If so you MUST fill them in. If not -- someone, maybe you, is doing something they HATE to do and that is costing you money, passion, health and happiness.

With a balanced team you will not only have more success but you will be doing, like the quiz asks, "what you love to do."

Haven't taken the quiz yet? Come on ... there's no trick to this:http://www.oneminutemillionaire.com/tools/hots.asp

(On a personal note - my husband is an "owl/squirrel" blend and I am "100% Hare." Now ... how do you suppose we are with money? I have great ideas (a very thick folder) on where to spend it - he picks the best "ones" and follows through! We would be 100% BROKE! without our turtles - our accountant and the teachings of Dave Ramsey! This info also helps us be easier on each other - we are who we are and we can't be what we're not.)

Next week I will share how I am using this information in my business team (and please do likewise.)


Co-Founder, DogCaptions.com
Visit, http://www.DogCaptions.com
Author, Fatigue Be Gone! Jumpstart e-Guide
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