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Hair SheddingViews: 1097
Jun 18, 2008 5:08 amHair Shedding#

Cathy Markowich

Hey it's been too quiet around here, let's get some noise going.

Hope all is well.

Here is my question, trying to help out a friend.

I have a friend who has a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel. Cute as a button, can’t be friendly enough. I love this dog.

He just recently turned one years old. This dog sheds a lot. The owner says they brush him at least once a day, today they bought a furminator and they say it has done the best job so far compared to all the brushes they have bought. They said he sheds so much they could fill a vacuum bag with his hair easily once a day.

I would like to hear anyone’s input on this. Do you think this is typical of this breed, nutritional deficiency, or anything else?

They are wondering if it’s a puppy/ adult convert hair issue that might be happening?

I look forward to anyone's response.


Private Reply to Cathy Markowich

Jun 18, 2008 1:12 pmre: Hair Shedding#

Ann Rader
Hi Cathy,

Some breeds do shed more than others. I don't know about the King Charles specifically, but that could be part of the situation. I have a friend who once had a Clumber Spaniel and she would groom the dog for 40 minutes taking out piles of fur and then put the brush away and the dog would shake and fur would fly all over!

A high quality diet does support a healthy coat among all of the other benefits. Foods should contain high quality meat protein (not vegetable protein), a high quality animal fat (specifically named on the label, such as 'chicken fat', not 'meat fat' or 'tallow' and not a vegetable based fat as the primary fat source), probiotics (beneficial bacteria), and chelated minerals, and antioxidants, at the very least. Quality is not listed on an ingredient label and it’s amazing that if a chemical is added to an ingredient at the vendor source, such as ethoxoquin in fish meal, the pet food manufacturer is required to list what the put in the dog food and can leave out what the vendor added. So there may be harmful chemicals in pet food that are not listed on the label. The mainstream grocery store brands are owned by Proctor and Gamble, Nestle, Colgate Palmolive, and Mars. These companies are not dedicated to the well-being of our pets, but are dedicated to profit. A lot of due diligence is required to insure that our pets are kept healthy and safe. And veterinarians, bless their hearts, for the most part, are not educated in the benefits of a wholesome diet. They are busy putting out fires and generally don’t value the importance of an excellent, wholesome, natural diet.

An omega fatty acid formula will also benefit this doggie. The pet parents should not get the liquid form with a plunger that veterinarians sell because it can easily become rancid. There are other great products available.

A vacuum cleaner bag of fur a day is a huge amount for such a small dog! It’s almost impossible to imagine a dog that size growing and replacing that much fur on a daily basis. I'm impressed!

Xo Ann

Private Reply to Ann Rader

Jun 18, 2008 1:19 pmre: Hair Shedding#

Marielena Alvarez
Shepherds shed year round, but more in the warmer months as they shed their heavy winter coat. We end up with tumblepuppies around the house, but easy enough to get up with a broom or duster with hardwood floors. Might be different with a carpet, our carpeted stairs seem to catch the most, which is why we are getting the carpeting removed and having the stairs finished in hardwood.

The furminator is great for cats, especially long-coats like Persians, Himilayans, Maine Coon and Ragdolls, and as you've seen, dogs with a similar heavy/long coats.

It might depend on how much time the dog speds outside, as they get a heavier winter coat if mostly out doors. Different breeds have different grooming issues.

Does the shedding include dandruff? Are there dry patches of skin?

Might be worth getting a comprehensive book about the breed to know more about the skin, coat and identify problems the breed is prone toward. What shampoos are best for the coat and what type of grooming tools are best. Also good to talk to a breeder or groomer to get advice. Some might see a lot of this breed and know more about it to advise.

Private Reply to Marielena Alvarez

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